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Crissie Auckland

Lead Consultant

My Story

In a world filled with organized chaos there is nothing like comming home to your comfort scent!

Welcome to my personal website, I'm excited to share my love of Scentsy with you! My story starts at work when a co-worker brought her warmer into our office and turned it on for the first time. From that moment on I was in love with all the many fragrances available and how each one could spark a different feeling or mood.

Once I brought Scentsy into my own home it didn't take me long to discover i wasn't the only one captivated. First one of my warmers "disappeared" into my teenage son's room. Next bars started disappearing out of my closet. He was always the one to notice when a scent pak needed to be updated for his soccer bag and happy to discover a new scent.

My story might not be your story, but now is definitely the time to start your own journey and I am thrilled to be beside you for the ride!

My Favourite Scents